
Yes, rather a cliché s title and picture during this cicada swarm summer, but there seems little more relevant image at this moment of din outside my door.

Had I a life beyond my own,

Alternate senses, fancies grown,

I’d glimpse green leaves ‘gainst bright blue sky,

Ride wind blown twigs,

Tread currents high.

Had I daft dreams beyond cave nights,

Winsome hopes, un-sown heights,

I’d shed this skin too small to hold

Wild dreams, vast visions – rare and bold.

Had I a chance to draft new mark,

Undo dark years of burrow stark

I’d trade those years of darkened maze,

For these few brief and frenzied days.

New Book Launches

Pleased so see my book on my friend, Harold Denton, released in print by the American Nuclear Society.

During the fear-filled days of the Three Mile Island accident, Harold Denton’s voice was one of reassuring and convincing comfort to the American people. Three Mile Island and Beyond interweaves Denton’s retelling of the accident with chapters conveying his career-long message of safety being the paramount factor in the use of nuclear technology.


I disregarded Eleanor,

She much regarded me,

Amidst the trope of our desire,


I dazzled her; she frazzled me,

We danced a rumba sheen.

But never found that comfort place

To right our wrongs between.

Too late, I flew a flag of truce,

Surrender in my eyes,

To find she’d fled our pied-à-terre

Defeated by our lies.

Image adapted courtesy Ailura, CC BY-SA 3.0 AT, CC BY-SA 3.0 AT, via Wikimedia Commons

Tree Ear

Tree ear listens, subtlety hears,

Furtive rustles — false dawn nears.

Rat snake’s slither,

Screech owl’s feather,

Prey-fraught field mouse fears.

Midst the silence spacing these,

Arboreal battle rare eye sees.

Push for sun and water feints,

War that no surrender taints

With efforts to appease.

Carpet moss down tree ear creeps,

Bryophyta stealthy keeps

Intentions cloaked by time and space,

Victory march at glacial pace,

Tree ear listens , nothing— sleeps.